Northern Dream – Ezo

Some minimal historical annotations.

Max’s story is set against the background of the Ezo Republic, a democratic state set up by former Tokugawa personnel (including French military advisors) in the cold north of Japan’s Hokkaido.
A short lived political experiment – the sort of thing the winners call “revolt” – Ezo never questioned the Imperial power, but was designed as a second state loyal to the crown, guarding the northern gate of the nation…

The farmers and merchants are unmolested, and live without fear, going their own way, and sympathising with us; so that already we have been able to bring some land into cultivation. We pray that this portion of the Empire may be conferred upon our late lord, Tokugawa Kamenosuke; and in that case, we shall repay your beneficence by our faithful
guardianship of the northern gate…

As it was to be expected, the subtlety escaped most Meiji politicians, and Ezo was in fact shut down by brute force by the Meiji government – while the rest of the world sat back looking.


This gives the story a steampunkish and vaguely political flavour, which is good.
It does not add to nor subtract anything from the translation, and is a fine piece of antiquarian finesse – not many know about Ezo outside of Japan.

It’s now two years, almost, that we talk about jotting down a few notes and writing a learned booklet on the subject – but so far our engagements have been too many.
And yet, it would be another worthy pursuit.

Published in: on April 16, 2008 at 1:36 pm  Leave a Comment  
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